If you've been thinking about coaching and are still on the fence, NOW is the time.
The bottom line is simply this, coaching produces MASSIVE results. If you are serious about your results you need a coach. Currently both 1 on 1 and group coaching is available.
1 tablespoon caramel syrup
2 cups cold brew
1 cup ice
For the salted caramel cream foam
2 tablespoons heavy cream
1 tablespoon caramel syrup
1/8 teaspoon salt
In a glass jar, whisk together half the caramel syrup with the cold brew. Pour into two glasses filled with ice.
To make the cold brew foam, add the caramel syrup and heavy cream in a large bowl. Using a hand mixer, beat them together until smooth and fluffy. Pour the caramel sweet cream over the top of both glasses and serve immediately.
Pour the caramel cream foam over the top of both glasses, sprinkle with salt, and serve immediately.