Increase employee productivity and save millions on healthcare costs!
Sean Christopher is one of the most sought after corporate wellness coaches in the nation!
Because working with Sean will be one of the most motivational and empowering experiences that your employees will EVER experience!
Sean will teach your employees how to not only change their life, but save their life!
The Ketoish Jump Start Difference.
One thing that's for certain, there is no one size fits all approach to health and wellness.
As a 25 years veteran in the health and wellness space Sean will create personalized wellness programs that will fit ALL your employee needs.
Following a Ketogenic Diet has amazing health benefits but Keto isn't for everyone.
Sean will create personalized plans for your employees that will empower them to finally take control of their health and wellness. Sean creates his wellness plans based on each individual employees wants and needs.
This is why we created Ketoish ! Sean's program will teach your employees how to lose weight, eliminate anxiety and depression, and bulletproof themselves from horrific diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, alzheimers and more.
Did you know Employee Wellness Programs increase employee retention by over 80% ?
Here's a few other interesting facts:
* Reduced Healthcare costs
* Significantly increase employee productivity
* Decreased absenteeism
* Significant improvements in overall mental health
Why work with Sean?
An employee has a heart attack. Besides concern for the person and the loss of productivity, you can't help but worry about your insurance rates, especially with premiums already skyrocketing 15 percent a year or more. Prolonged illness is a nightmare for employers and employees.
Having a healthier work force can reduce your insurance costs while improving your company's productivity. A "nip it in the bud" approach that targets high-risk employees can help them manage chronic conditions--high cholesterol, hypertension and so on--before they turn into bigger, costlier, problems.
And with the emphasis today on fitness and healthy habits, people are glad to get some help in sticking to their resolutions to eat better and exercise.
There are a number of ways you can help employees with a corporate wellness program, including:
*On site/and or virtual wellness programs - invite Sean into your workplace, or work with him virtually in an online video format. Sean has worked with thousands of businesses all over the world.
What does the Ketoish Employee Wellness Program Include?
This incredible program includes:
* A 90 day comprehensive meal plan that uses the first EVER science based approach to Keto. Learn how to eat in a way that focuses on managing blood sugar, the key to losing weight on a Ketogenic Diet. The best part is you can STILL eat all the foods you love, and you DON'T have to completely give up carbs like most Ketogenic Diet's want you to.
* A comprehensive Keto cookbook. Learn how to make Keto friendly versions of ALL the foods you love! Even delicious Keto friendly deserts!
* Learn Sean's formula for how to easily lose 30 pounds in only 30 days following Keto the RIGHT way!
* Sean's Comprehensive Guide to Intermittent Fasting. Learn how to use intermittent fasting to MELT pounds off quickly. Fasting is absolutely NOT required on this program, but this will teach you how to use intermittent fasting as a TOOL to supercharge your fat loss.
* Sean's Over 40 Fat Cure. Learn how to boost fat burning over the age of 40. Aging does impact weight loss, but there are VERY easy ways to manipulate it to lose weight quickly. Age, hormones and menopause don't need to stall your weight loss when you learn the RIGHT way to follow Keto.
* Sean's Anti aging program. Did you know there are foods you can eat that actually help reverse the aging process in the body. Sean's meal plan will teach you how to have younger looking skin in as little as 14 days by eating foods that help induce autophagy in the body which regenerates new cells in the body! Not only does this help reverse aging but will also bulletproof you to sickness and disease!
* Get 24/7 LIFETIME access to Sean's Private FB coaching group. Yes, this means you get LIFETIME access to FREE coaching from Sean.
* Learn how to eat Keto "on the go". While eating fast food isn't optimal sometimes we just need a quick solution to being hungry. I will provide you a Keto friendly fast food eating guide, so you can easily follow Keto even when you're on the go.
* Sean's Keto shopping guide. Get a COMPREHENSIVE list of all the foods you can eat to lose weight quickly on Keto. AND even more importantly learn exactly what to eat to prevent cancer, diabetes, heart disease, alzheimer's and MUCH MORE!
* Sean's Keto "drink guide". Learn exactly what type of cocktails, beer and wine you can drink while STILL staying on Keto and losing weight FAST!
Act TODAY and get this entire program along WITH these amazing bonuses.
*BRAND NEW for Fall 2023, an AMAZING 10 part video training series !
Video 1: Keto 101 - Learn the basics of a Ketogenic diet
Video 2: Ketoish - Learn all of the benefits of following a Ketogenic Diet while STILL eating many of the carbs you love.
Video 3: The role of intermittent fasting - Learn how to use intermittent fasting to boost fat loss by 2000%
Video 4: How to eliminate anxiety and depression through diet.
Video 5: The miracle anti aging plan - learn how to use the power of autophagy to look and feel years younger!
Video 6: Go virtual grocery shopping with Sean.
Video 7: The 12 minute Exercise Miracle Hack -Learn an amazing exercise hack that incinerates fat in less than 12 minutes a day!
Video 8: The power of fasting - learn techniques that will not only burn fat quickly, but reverse aging and prevent cancer, diabetes, heart disease, alzheimer's and much more. Fasting is a MIRACLE cure for sickness, disease and mental health.
Video 9: Cook with Sean - Sean will teach you techniques to cook amazing, affordable Ketogenic friendly meals.
Video 10: The Over 40 Fat Cure - age doesn't have to impede progress. Sean will teach you amazing hacks that will supercharge your wellness journey REGARDLESS of your age or health history!
* Sean's Mindset Transformation Guide - learn how to use the power of your mind to literally have EVERYTHING in life you want. Our subconscious mind literally controls 90% of all our thoughts. The crazy part is our entire subconscious mind is programmed between the ages of 1 and 7. So transforming our mindset can sometimes feel like an uphill battle, but Sean will teach you some amazing techniques to rewire your subconscious mind so you can literally achieve ANYTHING you want in life!
* Sean's insanely popular "Naked" training guide. This science based approach to body transformation will change your life. Did you know that in only 12 minutes a day, 4 times per week you can DRAMATICALLY change your body composition and finally have the body you've always dream of? It's time to finally be PROUD in your own skin again, and this will teach you EXACTLY how to do that in a VERY short amount of time!
* Cook with Sean! This is the mother of all bonuses! Learn to cook HUNDREDS of Keto friendly meals from a trained culinary chef! These meals are EASY, economical and mouth wateringly delicious!
* Sean's Budget Keto Plan - we know not everyone can afford to eat anything they want, so Sean will teach you how to make budget Keto friendly meals that the ENTIRE family will LOVE!
And for the GRAND FINALE of bonuses you will also get Sean's CARB eating guide. YES you can STILL eat carbs and stay in Ketosis. Sean will give you a comprehensive list of carbs that have LITTLE impact on blood sugar, so you STILL lose weight quickly on this Keto plan. Sean will even teaching you something called carb timing which allows you to eat ANY carbs you want as long as you time when you eat them.
This is unlike ANY Keto plan you've EVER seen before!
COMPANY WELNESS PROGRAM. Or email us at 10dayketojumpstart@gmail.com.