This delicious version of a Chic-Fil-A sandwich will make you never want the deadly version that Chic-Fil-A is selling you. To learn what's REALLY in a Chic-Fil-A sandwich click here.
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2 chicken breasts equaling about 1 pound
1 large egg
½ cup unsweetened almond milk
1 cup pickle juice
12 pickle slices
3 tbsp white or apple cider vinegar
1 ½ tsp paprika
1 cup flour of your choice (I used spelt)
1 tbsp powdered sugar
¼ tsp dry mustard
¼ tsp baking soda
olive oil or coconut oil
4 sprouted whole wheat hamburger buns or buns of your choice
1 tbsp butter
About 4 hours before or the day before – Cut chicken breasts in half making 4 similar size pieces
With a meat tenderizer or small hammer pound the chicken to ½ inch thick
Sprinkle salt, pepper and ½ tsp paprika to both sides of chicken
Place chicken in 1 cup pickle juice and let marinate for at least 4 hours to one day prior to baking
Preheat oven to 450 degrees
Place pickle slices in vinegar and let marinate while you prep the chicken
In a bowl, combine and stir flours, sugar, baking soda, 1 tsp paprika, dry mustard and set aside
In another bowl, whisk egg and almond milk together
Remove chicken from marinade and dredge one piece of chicken at a time in egg bath, ensuring each side is wet and dredge in flour mixture coating each sidePlace each flour coated chicken piece on a wire rack with pan on bottom
Spray each piece liberally with olive oil or coconut oil covering both sides
Place tray of chicken in oven
After 12 mins, turn each piece of chicken over mid way through baking
After about 25 mins – 30 mins, chicken should be completely cooked and crispy
Take out of the oven and let rest at least 5 mins
While chicken is resting, butter buns and place in oven for 3-5 mins
Take buns out of oven, place 3 pickles on bottom bun and chicken on top and ENJOY!
Notes Serve with a nice large cabbage salad or steamed broccoli (If you really want fries, I suggest baked sweet potato fries) Try to use all organic ingredients